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Trudograd Mobile Android & iOS Game 3gb APK + OBB (Full Reviews) RPG Strategy Turnbased

"Trudograd" awalnya mau jadi DLC buat game "ATOM RPG", tapi setelah lewat fase awal, game ini malah berkembang jadi sekuel yang butuh sekitar 30 jam buat diselesaikan. ATOM RPG sendiri adalah game Strategy RPG/Tactic yang dikelola sama tim AtomTeam. Game ini terinspirasi oleh game-game klasik kayak Fallout, dengan gaya retro dan tema pasca-apokaliptik. Trudograd adalah sekuel yang fokus ke kota fiksi bernama Trudograd, yang ada di Rusia setelah kiamat. Kita bakal menjelajah kota ini, bertemu karakter-karakter baru, dan berinteraksi sama lingkungan yang berbahaya. Kayak ATOM RPG, Trudograd juga kasih berbagai pilihan dialog, keputusan moral, dan quest yang harus diselesaikan. Game sebelumnya berakhir pas kita ketemu sosok mahkluk mutan berbentuk jamur yang pinter, ngasih peringatan tentang asteroid besar yang mau zhong Bumi. Diprediksi bisa ngapus umat manusia dari muka planet ini selamanya. Solusi yang disaranin buat masalah ini adalah nembak asteroid itu sebelum nyampe Bumi pake senjata super. Karakter kita ini kebetulan adalah star agent Soviet dari Brotherhood of Steel, dapet misi buat cari senjata itu. Pencarian kita buat senjata ini bawa kita ke Trudograd, yang jadi kota sibuk sesuai standar pasca-apokaliptik dan entah gimana bisa selamat dari nuklir di masa lalu. Pas kita nyampe, Trudograd bukan cuma ngadepin ancaman dingin, tapi juga pemerintahannya yang nggak berfungsi, dan ada ancaman invasian dari suku barbar. Akibatnya, daripada ngurusin radiasi, kita bakal lebih sering hadapin cuaca yang nggak bersahabat. Kita bakal lebih banyak nongkrong di depan api, dan sesekali menikmati minuman beralkohol. Tantangan baru yang beda dari seri pertamanya ini makin gambarin keadaan dan situasi yang berbeda di setting tempatnya. Ditambah visual dan efek audio yang mantap, game ini bener-bener berhasil gambarin suasananya. REQUIRED: Android OS 6.0 And Up.

/"Trudograd" was originally intended to be DLC for the game "ATOM RPG", but after passing the initial phase, this game actually developed into a sequel that took around 30 hours to complete. ATOM RPG itself is a Strategy RPG/Tactic game managed by the AtomTeam team. This game is inspired by classic games like Fallout, with a retro style and post-apocalyptic theme. Trudograd is a sequel that focuses on the fictional city of Trudograd, which exists in Russia after the apocalypse. We will explore this city, meet new characters, and interact with dangerous environments. Like ATOM RPG, Trudograd also provides various dialogue choices, moral decisions, and quests that must be completed. The previous game ended when we met a clever mushroom-shaped mutant creature, giving a warning about a large asteroid that was about to zhong Earth. It is predicted that it could wipe humanity from the face of this planet forever. The recommended solution to this problem is to shoot the asteroid before it reaches Earth using a super weapon. Our character happens to be a Soviet star agent from the Brotherhood of Steel, on a mission to find this weapon. Our search for this weapon takes us to Trudograd, which is a busy city by post-apocalyptic standards and has somehow survived the nukes of its past. When we arrived, Trudograd was not only facing cold threats, but also its government was not functioning, and there was a threat of invasion from barbarian tribes. As a result, instead of dealing with radiation, we will more often face hostile weather. We will hang out more in front of the fire, and occasionally enjoy alcoholic drinks. This new challenge, which is different from the first series, increasingly depicts different conditions and situations in the setting. Plus great visuals and audio effects, this game really succeeds in depicting the atmosphere. REQUIRED: Android OS 6.0 And Up.


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Info Game
📃Title : Trudograd
🎬Genre : RPG, Strategy, Turnbased
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer :-
⏱️Year : 2023
📱Platform : Android, iOS
📝Dev/Pub : Atent Games
💾Size : 3gb APK
⭐Rating :  4.2 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore, Appstore (Paid Game)
OS : Android 7+ Up

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