Codex of Victory Turnbased Mobile Strategy Android Game 455mb APK
Tuh game keren banget, bro! Namanya Codex of Victory, game strategi yang bikin kita jadi koloni manusia yang ngadepin mesin dan manusia lainnya dalam pertempuran seru. Gamenya gak punya cerita yang ribet, cuma fokus di antara yang baik dan yang jahat aja. Setiap misi, kita dikasih objektif yang harus diselesaikan tanpa perlu mikirin cerita. Dalam game ini, kita harus bangun base dan bersenang-senang dengan merebut daerah musuh. Di peta dunia, kita bisa liat daerah-daerah musuh yang udah mereka kuasai, dan dari situ kita bisa serang musuh atau ngehindar dari serangan musuh, tergantung situasinya. Gimana cara mainnya? Ya kayak game strategi lainnya, kita gerakin unit-unit kita dengan poin aksi (AP) dan bergantian sama musuh. Setiap unit punya kemampuan tempur dan pertahanan yang beda-beda. Ada unit khusus buat rebut base, ada juga yang buat serang base musuh. Kalo kita berhasil rebut base, kita bakal dapet tambahan AP setiap gilirannya. Jadi, rebut base itu penting banget, tapi juga tergantung situasinya. Di tiap misi, kita harus pinter-pinter improvisasi sesuai objektifnya. Visualnya keren banget, bro! Game strategi RPG yang dikemas unik dengan elemen RTS di dalamnya. Game-nya juga smooth banget, gak ada masalah bug saat main. Keseluruhan, game ini bener-bener worth it buat dimainin.
/ That game is really cool, bro! Its name is Codex of Victory, a strategy game that makes us become a human colony facing machines and other humans in exciting battles. The game doesn't have a complicated story, just focusing on the conflict between good and evil. In each mission, we are given objectives that need to be accomplished without having to think about the story. In this game, we have to build a base and have fun capturing enemy territories. On the world map, we can see the areas that the enemies have already taken over, and from there, we can either attack the enemy or avoid their attacks, depending on the situation. How do we play it? Well, it's like any other strategy game. We move our units using action points (AP) and take turns with the enemy. Each unit has different combat and defense abilities. There are special units for capturing bases, and there are also units for attacking enemy bases. If we successfully capture a base, we'll get additional AP every turn. So, capturing bases is really important, but it also depends on the situation. In each mission, we have to be smart and improvise according to the objectives. The visuals are really cool, bro! It's a unique strategy RPG game with RTS elements in it. The game is also really smooth, with no bugs issues while playing. Overall, this game is really worth playing.
OS Android: Android OS 4.1+
Video Gameplay
Info Game
📃Title : Codex of Victory
🎬Genre : Strategy, Turnbased
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2017
📱Platform : Android
📝Dev/Pub : AKpublish
💾Size : .455mb APK
⭐Rating : 3.9 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
OS : Android 4.4+ Up
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