Hidden Through Time Mobile Android Game Puzzle APK Low Size (95mb) Full Reviews
**Hidden Through Time** itu game Hidden Object yang asyik banget, gabungin puzzle sama eksplorasi visual. Kita bakal ditugasin buat nyari berbagai objek yang tersembunyi di tempat-tempat yang penuh detail dan warna-warni. Setiap level, kita dibawa jalan-jalan ke berbagai zaman sejarah, mulai dari prasejarah sampai era modern. Kita harus jeli dan pinter-pinter bikin strategi buat nemuin semua benda yang tersembunyi di setiap level. Gameplay-nya simpel tapi juga bikin ketagihan, jadi cocok banget buat semua usia. **Cerita:** Walaupun ***Hidden Through Time*** nggak punya cerita yang super mendalam atau rumit, setiap levelnya punya latar belakang sejarah yang seru dan bikin kita kebawa suasana. Kita diajak eksplorasi berbagai periode waktu dan tempat, kayak desa Viking, pasar di zaman pertengahan, atau dunia fantasi yang penuh imajinasi. Ceritanya sih nggak langsung disampaikan, tapi latar belakang visual yang kece banget bikin kita penasaran sama dunia yang kita jelajahi. **Grafis:** Salah satu daya tarik utama dari ***Hidden Through Time*** adalah gaya grafis yang lucu dan menggemaskan. Game ini pakai seni visual yang digambar tangan, dengan warna-warna cerah dan desain karakter yang bikin kita senyum. Setiap level dipenuhi detail-detail kecil yang bikin dunia game-nya terasa hidup dan menarik buat dijelajahi. Walau tampilannya sederhana, visual yang indah ini bikin kita betah berlama-lama saat nyari objek tersembunyi. **Desain Level:** Desain level di ***Hidden Through Time*** super kreatif dan bervariasi. Setiap level dirancang dengan detail yang mantap, soalnya kita nggak cuma nyari objek sembarangan, tapi juga bisa menikmati proses eksplorasi. Tingkat kesulitan juga naik perlahan, dengan level yang makin rumit dan objek-objek yang semakin susah dicari. Plus, game ini ada fitur editor level, jadi kita bisa bikin dan share level kita sendiri, makin seru deh! **Genre:** ***Hidden Through Time*** itu game Hidden Object dengan elemen puzzle. Genre ini pas banget buat kita yang suka tantangan nyari objek di lingkungan yang detail, dan buat yang hobi menjelajahi dunia game. Dengan suasana yang santai dan gameplay yang nggak terburu-buru, game ini ideal buat waktu santai. **Kesulitan:** Tingkat kesulitan di ***Hidden Through Time*** bervariasi dari yang gampang sampe yang menantang, tergantung seberapa jeli kita cari objek tersembunyi. Di level-level awal, objek-objeknya relatif mudah ditemukan, tapi makin lama makin susah dengan objek yang lebih kecil dan tersembunyi di tempat yang nggak terduga. Tapi tenang aja, kesulitan ini justru bikin kita merasa puas banget pas berhasil nemuin semuanya. **REQUIRED:** Android OS 4.0 ke atas.
/**Hidden Through Time** is a super fun Hidden Object game that combines puzzles with visual exploration. You'll be tasked with finding various hidden objects in places that are full of detail and color. Each level takes you on a journey through different historical periods, ranging from prehistory to modern times. You need to be observant and clever in strategizing to find all the hidden items at each level. The gameplay is simple yet addictive, making it a great fit for all ages. **Story:** Although ***Hidden Through Time*** doesn’t have a deep or complex narrative, each level has an interesting historical background that immerses you in the atmosphere. You get to explore various time periods and places, like a Viking village, a market in the medieval era, or a fantasy world full of imagination. The story isn’t directly conveyed, but the stunning visual backdrop keeps you curious about the world you are exploring. **Graphics:** One of the main attractions of ***Hidden Through Time*** is its cute and charming graphic style. The game features hand-drawn visual art with bright colors and character designs that bring a smile to your face. Each level is filled with little details that make the game world feel alive and inviting to explore. Despite its simple appearance, the beautiful visuals make it easy to spend long hours searching for hidden objects. **Level Design:** The level design in ***Hidden Through Time*** is super creative and diverse. Each level is crafted with great attention to detail, as you don’t just search for random objects but can also enjoy the exploration process. The difficulty gradually increases, with levels becoming more complex and objects harder to find. Plus, the game includes a level editor feature, allowing you to create and share your own levels, making it even more exciting! **Genre:** ***Hidden Through Time*** is a Hidden Object game with puzzle elements. This genre is perfect for those who love the challenge of finding items in detailed environments and for those who enjoy exploring the game world. With a relaxed atmosphere and gameplay that isn’t rushed, this game is ideal for leisure time. **Difficulty:** The difficulty level in ***Hidden Through Time*** varies from easy to challenging, depending on how observant you are in searching for hidden objects. In the early levels, the objects are relatively easy to find, but as you progress, they become more difficult with smaller items hidden in unexpected places. But don’t worry, this challenge only adds to the satisfaction you feel when you successfully find everything. **REQUIRED:** Android OS 4.0 and above.
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