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Man Of Steel Fighting Game Superhero Mobile Android APK 1.5gb apk obb (Full Reviews) Support Android 12+ HD Remastered FIX

Game yang akan ceritain tentang superhero alay si manusia besi "Superman" yang bakal berantem sama General Zod dan temen-temennya buat ngelindungi bumi. Man of Steel punya dua mode, yaitu story mode dan survival mode. Di story mode, lo bakal jadi Superman yang lagi nyelamatin bumi. Nah, di survival mode, keberanian dan ketangguhan lo sebagai Superman bakal diuji, seberapa jago lo/Superman ngelawan musuh-musuhnya.

/The game will tell the story of the quirky superhero Iron Man, "Superman," who will fight against General Zod and his friends to protect the earth. Man of Steel has two modes, namely story mode and survival mode. In story mode, you will become Superman who is saving the earth. In survival mode, your bravery and toughness as Superman will be tested, how skilled you/Superman are in fighting against his enemies.

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