Heroes of Arca Mobile Android Game Strategy APK Offline 300mb + OBB (full Reviews)
Nih, game fantastis yang gabungan antara game strategi turn-based dan RPG dengan sistem battle yang lebih kece. Ada banyak pilihan taktis yang bisa player pilih sesuai sama style mainnya. Genre game-nya emang lebih gampang dimengerti dibanding sama RPG turn-based biasa. Jadi, bukan cuma buat pecinta RPG, tapi juga bisa buat yang suka strategi dan yang biasa aja main game. Ceritanya di Arca, planet kece yang ditinggalin sama pembuatnya, "The Creator". Tanpa pembimbing mereka, negara di Arca jadi sering berantem buat rebutan wilayah. Perang dimulai dan manusia jadi pemimpinnya. Mereka punya kekuatan militer yang dahsyat dan jadi dewa perang terhebat. Tapi, meski manusia punya pengalaman bertempur puluhan tahun, mereka kalah sama bangsa misterius yang tiba-tiba muncul dan menghancurkan semuanya. Nah, di situlah player berperan buat bantu ngebawa Arca dari kehancuran. Banyak pertempuran yang harus dihadapi, banyak musuh yang harus dihadapi, dan juga cari skill Hero dan koleksi artefak biar bisa jelajahin Arca dengan puas. Arcabisanya nih, game yang seru buat mainin sama temen-temen atau sendiri aja. Ayo, sampein kekuatan lo buat selamatkan planet Arca!
/This is a fantastic game that combines turn-based strategy and RPG with a cool battle system. There are plenty of tactical choices for players to pick according to their playing style. The game's genre is easier to understand compared to a usual turn-based RPG. So, it's not just for RPG enthusiasts, but also for those who like strategy and casual gamers. The story takes place in Arca, a cool planet abandoned by its creator, "The Creator." Without their guidance, the nations in Arca often fight over territory. War breaks out and humans become the leaders. They have a powerful military force and become the greatest war gods. However, despite humans having decades of combat experience, they are defeated by a mysterious nation that suddenly appears and destroys everything. That's where the player comes in to help save Arca from destruction. There are many battles to face, many enemies to confront, and also finding Hero skills and artifact collections to explore Arca thoroughly. Arcabisanya is a fun game to play with friends or alone. Come on, show your strength to save the planet Arca!
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