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Boxing Fighting Clash Mobile Android Game APK 470mb APK Updated New (MOD)

"MMA - Fighting Clash 23" adalah game fighting yang keren banget, bro! Di game ini kita bisa jadi karakter-karakter keren, ngajak-nacakin lawan, dan menangin pertandingan dengan skill menyerang dan bertahan yang ciamik. Game ini punya banyak fighternya yang terinspirasi dari fighter-fighter beneran, kayak MMA fighter sampe actor film aksi, bro. Cuma ya harus beli dulu di store buat bisa pake semuanya. Tapi gak usah khawatir, file yang aku share ini udah mod money, jadi bisa langsung beli semua fighter-nya. Game ini punya banyak keterampilan dan trik bertarung ala MMA beneran, bro. Kontrolnya simpel banget, kita cuma perlu tap di layar HP kita, dan keluar kartu-kartu dengan teknik serangan yang beragam. Selain pukulan dan tendangan, ada juga teknik gulat dan pertarungan di lantai, jadi kita harus pintar-pintar menguasainya biar bisa menang. Game ini punya banyak mode gameplay yang seru, ada quick mode, challenge mode, career mode, dan lainnya. Quick mode adalah mode yang bisa dimainin offline. Kita bisa pilih petarung dan mengendalikannya untuk bertarung lawan siapa aja yang kita mau. Tingkat kesulitan pertandingannya tergantung dari karakter yang dipilih, karena tiap karakter punya statistiknya sendiri. Untuk mode lainnya, silakan eksplor sendiri, tapi pastiin koneksi internetnya nyala ya. Nih, ada catatan penting! Hanya quick mode yang bisa dimainin offline. Buat akses store juga perlu koneksi internet. Modnya berupa uang, tiap kali dipake uangnya bakal nambah terus, bro. Jadi, beli dulu barang-barang murah di store biar cukup buat beli semua fighter-nya dan bisa dipake di quick mode atau mode lainnya. Tapi, aku gak bisa jamin bakal aman dari banned, ya. Jadi buat yang download setelah seminggu atau lebih, pastiin cek versinya dulu di MMA - Fighting Clash 23 di Playstore, bro. Kalo versinya masih sama, lanjut aja download. Tapi kalo versinya beda, bisa aja dikasih tahu buat update pas koneksi internetnya nyambung. PENTING: Android OS 4.4 dan lebih tinggi diperlukan.

/"MMA - Fighting Clash 23" is a really cool fighting game, bro! In this game, we can become cool characters, challenge opponents, and win matches with amazing attacking and defending skills. This game has many fighters inspired by real fighters, like MMA fighters and action movie actors, bro. However, you have to buy them in the store to be able to use all of them. But don't worry, the file I'm sharing here is already a modded version with unlimited money, so you can immediately buy all the fighters. This game has many skills and fighting tricks just like real MMA, bro. The controls are very simple, we just need to tap on our phone screen, and cards with various attacking techniques will appear. In addition to punches and kicks, there are also grappling techniques and ground fighting, so we have to master them smartly to win. This game has many exciting gameplay modes, including quick mode, challenge mode, career mode, and others. Quick mode is an offline mode where we can choose a fighter and control them to fight anyone we want. The difficulty level of the matches depends on the character chosen, as each character has their own statistics. For other modes, please explore them yourself, but make sure your internet connection is on. Here's an important note! Only quick mode can be played offline. Internet connection is also required to access the store. The mod version provides unlimited money, so every time you use it, the amount of money will increase, bro. So, buy cheap items in the store first to have enough to purchase all the fighters and use them in quick mode or other modes. However, I can't guarantee it will be safe from being banned, bro. So, for those who download it after a week or more, make sure to check the version in the Playstore for MMA - Fighting Clash 23. If the version is still the same, go ahead and download it. But if the version is different, you might be notified to update it when your internet connection is available. IMPORTANT: Android OS 4.4 and higher are required.

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