PUBG Battle Royale Offline Mode New Mobile Android Game
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Mantap. Akhirnya nemu game mirip PUBG tapi OFFLINE. Seru itung" latihan lawan AI .
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mungkin ini yang disebut game KW nya PUBG, dari Gameplay, pergerakan karakter, kostum, senjata juga mirip wkkwwk nah peta Erangel juga yang luas mantap buat gabut dikala gak ada kuota Internet kita bisa memainkannya.. cocok juga buat HP Kentang Full Size nya 500mb, oke sekian game yang mimin bahas kali ini.
/Excellent. Finally found a game similar to PUBG but OFFLINE. It's fun to practice against AI.
To download check the link above
maybe this is called the Copy game of PUBG, from the Gameplay, moving, costumes, weapons it's also similar wkkwwk well the Erangel map is also wide which is great for getting stuck when there's no internet quota we can play it.. okay that's all the games that admin discussed this time.
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