The Last Survivor Zombie Game New Mobile Android Offline in 2022 APK
Here I share a new offline game that was released earlier this month June 2022, with size
small under 100 mb, but you can't say it's light, but
still low end devices can play, of course with a set. great graphics
the most suitable because if you are forced to set. High graphics at the beginning-
at first it might be smooth but after a while it gets slower and even reaches
trapped. Yes, you know, new games + no updates after release.
Here's a good tps zombie action game with good graphics
pretty good, background that supports, control enough
nice. Only because the episode is still new that can be played
Only episode 1 in total there are 5 still coming soon.
In the game player will be one of the survivors of a zombie outbreak from an unknown virus, the main character in the game
this game a man just woke up from a coma somewhere
hospital and when he wakes up it turns out to be a hospital
was full of zombies and many hospital staff were killed.
Here the player must be able to survive alone, exploration
to search for ammunition, weapons, useful items, and a collection of notes for useful information.
/Mimin bahas kali ini game offline baru yg rilis awal bulan ini Juni 2022, dg size
kecil dibawah 100 mb, tapi ngk bisa dibilang ringan jg sih tapi
tetep device low end bisa main tentu nya dg set. Grafis yg
paling cocok soalnya kalo di paksain set. Grafis tinggi diawal-
awal mungkin lancar tapi lama2 makin lag bahkan sampe
stuck. Ya maklum game baru +blom update setelah rilis.
Merupakan game action tps zombie yg bagus dg grafis yg
cukup bagus, background yg mendukung, kontrol cukup
enak. Cuma karena masih baru episode yg bisa dimainkan
Cuma episode 1 total nya ada 5 yg masih coming soon.
Digame player akan menjadi salah satu orang yg selamat dari wabah zombie dari virus yg tidak dikenal, tokoh utama di
game ini seorang pria baru terbangun dari koma di suatu
rumah sakit dan saat dia terbangun ternyata rumah sakit
sudah penuh zombie dan banyak staf rumah sakit tewas.
Disini player harus bisa bertahan hidup sendirian, eksplorasi
untuk mencari ammo, senjata, item yg berguna, dan kumpulan note untuk mendapatkan informasi yg berguna.
Info Game
Title : The Last Survivor Zombie Game
Developer SensusTech LLC
Mode : Offline
Size: 83 mb (Full: 200 mb )
Versi: 1.0 (latest version )
Genre: Action, Tps
Requirement : Android 4.4 and up
Year : 2022
Platform : Android
Screenshot :
Video Gameplay
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