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Stickman Party Multiplayer Android Offline Game Connection via WiFi/Wlan up to 4 Player


Game offline local Multiplayer wifi/Wlan , yang ada di Playstore banyak pilihan mini games dan memang jenis game ini party arcade game , yang bisa dimainkan dengan teman atau bisa Mabar juga maksimal 4 player tanpa harus online jadi koneksi dengan Local Wifi / Wlan.
Size game 55mb, sudah rilis tahun 2019 di Playstore

/Local offline multiplayer wifi/Wlan games, which are available in Playstore, there are many choices of mini games and indeed this type of game is a party arcade game, which can be played with friends or can be played with a maximum of 4 players without having to be online to connect to Local Wifi/Wlan.
Game size 55mb, released in 2019 on Playstore

Title : Stickman Party
Size : 55mb
Genre : Arcade, Party game
Dev/Pub : Playmax
Multiplayer : Yes 
Store : Playstore (free Game)
Year : 2019

Video Gameplay

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