World Truck driving Simulator 2018 Android Offline Game Openworld APK MOD

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1. Install apk.
2. Extract archive obb file ke folder Internal/Android/obb/
3. Play game android Offline Enjoy
Game simulasi Truck mengantarkan alat berat dengan skema openworld atau freeroam untuk menyelesaikan atau mengambil beberapa tugas misi dalam simulasi Truck alat berat
Nin gw share game offline , dg grafis bagus, ya sesuai dg SIze nya yg lumayan gede..
Merupakan game simulasi truck didunia terbuka yg luas, dg banyak kota dan diupdate terbaru nya menambahkan 2 kota baru dan 1 truck baru, dg banyak pilihan truck salah satunya truck Brazil, eropa , dan Amerika.
Ada nya siklus siang & malam yg cukup realistis, hujan & perubahan iklim, yg menjadikan game ini lebih realistis.
/Truck simulation games deliver heavy equipment with openworld or freeroam schemes to complete or take on multiple mission tasks in heavy equipment Truck simulation
Here I will share the offline game, with good graphics, yes according to the SIze which is quite big ...
It is a truck simulation game in a wide open world, with many cities and the latest update adds 2 new cities and 1 new truck, with many choices of trucks, one of which is Brazilian, European and American trucks.
There is a fairly realistic day & night cycle, rain and climate change, which makes this game more realistic.
Title: World truck driving simulator
Developer: Dynamic Games Itda
On/off: Ofline
Size 756 mb
Version: 1.219 (latest version)
Genre: simulation, open world
Requirement : Android 5.0 and up
Video Gameplay
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