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Battlefield bad company 2 ◾Genre: FPS ◾Gameplay: 3D, Shooter ◾Year: 2016 ◾Size: 500mb++

Game fps yang udah gak ada lagi di Playstore coz udah lama rilis juga test di OS Oreo Xperia X perfomance nah versi Remastered sekarang  yang Mimin posting ini game tidak ada lagi bug suara katanya lancar suaranya... bisa naik tank, banyak senjata, dll layaknya game FPS yang diadaptasi dari game PC ke Android mantap pokonya dari Segi Story' yang paling utama bukan hanya tembak menembak.

/The fps game that is no longer available on the Playstore because it has been released for a long time and has also tested the Oreo Xperia X performance, now the Remastered version now, Mimin posts this game, there are no sound bugs, he said, the sound is smooth ... can ride tanks, lots of weapons, etc. FPS games adapted from PC games to Android are great from the Story aspect, the main thing is not just shooting.


Informasi :.
◾Title: Battlefield bad company 2
◾Genre: FPS
◾Gameplay: 3D, Shooter
◾Year: 2016
◾Size: 500mb++ apk+data (Internal/BC2)
◾Region: Global English
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: Yes
◾Android: Gingerbread +
◾Rating: 4.6 from 5
◾Playstore : NO
◾Developer: ElectronicArts

Video Gameplay :


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