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World war Z . ◾Genre: Horror, FPS ◾Gameplay: 3D virtual pad ◾Year: 2013 ◾Size: 1.4b apk+obb

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 Merupakan FPS horror Dimana story' diangkat dari Movie atau filmnya yang sudah rilis dulu disini agak dikit unik gameplay sederhana dan simpel dimana bisa mode touch atau tap untuk menggerakkan Player dan tombol aim menembak nah jika kalian lebih suka mode lain bisa menggunakan virtual pad / gamepad lebih terasa Action FPS nya

Agak dikit berbeda disini Tokoh karakter utama yaitu seorang ayah yang misi mencari keluarganya atau ingin kembali berkumpul bersama". Scene yang epic banyak zombie membuat game semakin menarik size game apk+obb 1.4gb

/ Is a FPS horror Where the story 'lifted from the film or the film that was released here is a bit unique unique gameplay simple and simple where can be touch or tap mode to move the Player and aim aim shooting well if you prefer other modes can use a virtual pad / gamepad more feels the FPS Action

Somewhat different here The main character is a father who is on a mission to find his family or want to get back together. "Epic scenes of many zombies make the game more interesting game size apk + obb 1.4gb

Info :.
◾Title: World war Z .
◾Genre: Horror, FPS
◾Gameplay: 3D virtual pad
◾Year: 2013
◾Size: 1.4b apk+obb
◾Region: Global English
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Honeycomb+
◾Rating: 7/10
◾Playstore : No
◾Developer: Paramount Digital Entertainment

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