Tiny Dangerous ◾Genre: Platformer ◾Gameplay: 2D + Virtual pd ◾Year: 2015 ◾Size full: 25mb apk only
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Platformer game 8bit pixel monochrome tampilan unik ala gameboy dmg claasic gameplay simpel mencari jalan keluar dungeon mencari kunci dan ada rintangan musuh. Free game tersedia di Playstore dengan size 25mb apk only tanpa obb data lagi
/Platformer game 8bit pixel monochrome unique look gameboy style dmg claasic simple gameplay looking for a way out dungeon looking for keys and there are enemy obstacles. Free game available on Playstore with size 25MB apk only without obb data anymore
Info :
◾Title: Tiny Dangerous
◾Genre: Platformer
◾Gameplay: 2D + Virtual pd
◾Year: 2015
◾Size full: 25mb apk only
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: mHD Pixel
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -.
◾Gamepad: -.
◾Android: Jelly Bean+.
◾Rating Playstore: 4.4 from 5.
◾Rating: 7/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Free Game)
◾Developer: Adventure islands
Video Gameplay
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