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Terra Nova ◾Genre: Strategy, Survival Mode OFFLINE Platform Android


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Rekomendasi game RTS alias game strategi unsur survival rilis tahun kemarin 2019 free dan tersedia di Playstore dengan size 128mb, sejenis game mirip Age of Empire

Cerita berlatar tahun 2050 dimana bumi menjadi alam yang kacau kemudian player bertugas membangun dan mengendalikan sebuah koloni yang buat bertahan hidup, Explore, research membangun sebuah peradaban

/Recommended RTS games aka survival element strategy games released last year 2019 are free and available on Playstore with a size of 128MB, a kind of game similar to Age of Empire

The story is set in 2050 where the earth becomes a chaotic universe then the player is tasked with building and controlling a colony that makes life possible, Explore, research to build a civilization

◾Title: Terra Nova 
◾Genre: Strategy, Survival
◾Gameplay: 2D tap / point n klik
◾Year: 2019
◾Size full: 128mb
◾Region: Global
◾Graphic quality: mHD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Lolipop+
◾Rating Playstore: 4.4 from 5
◾Rating: 7/10
◾Playstore : Yes (Free game)
◾Developer: Bendis

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