Sonic Robo 2 Blast Fan Made Platform Android
Download APK+Data
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Download APK+Data
Download Music
Cara install :
1. Download all file
2. Extract file APK+Data Sonic. with Zarchive
4. Install apk dalam folder srb2 apk debug sonic game bernama app-debug.apk
/Install the apk in the srb2 sonic game debug apk folder named app-debug.apk
Tunggu sampai selesai
/wait until finish
5. Copy hasil Extract Data "org.stjr.srb2"
ke internal/android/data/
6. then copy file music.dta ke folder internal/android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files
7. Open games and enjoy Offline games Sonic PC Legends
Iconic game Dari Sega alias Sonic Mimin Nemu lagi game aslinya rilis
dari PC jadul dulu porting Ke Android alias fan Made dan versi asli di
PC dulu bukan official melainkan salah satu judul unofficial Sonic
games dan benar2 bisa dimainkan dengan size apk+data 193mb
game From Sega aka Sonic Mimin Find again the original game released
from the old PC was ported to Android aka fan Made and the original
version on PC was not official but one of Sonic's unofficial titles
games and can actually be played with 193MB apk + data size
Permainan legendaris saat di PC dulu
/Legendary game when on PC first
Pada game ini berbeda dari kebanyakan Classic game Sonic yang mengusung
Platformer 2D tetapi versi ini sudah 3D Dan Gameplay baru pada saat itu
mirip series sebelumnya yg rilis di Sega yaitu yg berjudul Sonic 3D
blast yang rilis di Sega Saturn dan Sega Genesis meski saat itu juga
belum sepenuhnya 3D view.
Sonic Robo Blast 2 adalah gim 3D Sonic yang menggunakan versi modifikasi
dari mesin Doom Legacy dan telah dikembangkan sejak 1998
game is different from most Sonic Classic games which carry 2D
Platformer but this version is already 3D and the new gameplay at that
time is similar to the previous series that was released on Sega, namely
the one entitled Sonic 3D blast which was released on Sega Saturn and
Sega Genesis even though it was not yet fully 3D view.
Sonic Robo
Blast 2 is a 3D Sonic game that uses a modified version of the Doom
Legacy engine and has been in development since 1998
Video Gameplay + Tutorial install
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