Perbandingan Emulator Citra Official VS Citra MMJ Android 3DS Fast Speed
Menurut info Hasil Test pada game "Pokemon Omega Ruby" dari seorang
member group Citra emulator di Facebook pada Snapdragon 660 terbilang
chipset lumayan lawas dan tergolong mid to low end di 2020 tetapi cukup
Playable pada Citra official yang sudah rilis di Playstore
Sekedar informasi juga Citra versi mmj terbaru sudah rilis juga di
github atau APK yg baru versi MMJ tersedia di file Group dan perfoma ada
peningkatan tentunya peningkatan di Sound yang jernih tidak ada kresek
kresek lagi menurut info yang mimin baca
Kesimpulan : Untuk speed game Pokemon Omega Ruby lebih prefer pada Citra
official dengan mendapat max 30-25 fps cukup lancar alias playable
/According to info Test results on the game "Pokemon Omega Ruby" from a
member group Image emulator on Facebook on Snapdragon 660 is fairly old
chipset and is classified as mid to low end in 2020 but it is enough
Playable on the official image that has been released on Playstore
For your information, the latest version of MMJ has also been
released on Github or the new APK version of MMJ is available in the
Group file and there is an increase in performance, of course, an
increase in clear sound, no crackle crackle anymore, according to the
info you read
Conclusion: For Pokemon Omega Ruby speed games
prefer the official image by getting a max of 30-25 fps quite smoothly
alias playable
Download emulator Visit Link
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