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Official Citra Emulator 3DS Android


Kali ini Mimin share Emulator Citra Official yang rilis di Playstore tetapi kali ini unlock premium dan bisa mod Textures filter Dan tema oke langsung saja download disini

/This time, Mimin shares the Official Image Emulator which is released on Playstore, but this time it is premium unlock and can modify the Textures filter. And the theme is okay, just download here.

Link Store

Menurut pendapat Mimin sendiri sudah Test pada versi official citra ini speed peningkatan lumayan pada game yang awalnya kategori berat seperti Mario kart 7 dan Mario 3D Sekarang cukup Playable tested on Ratel Cell SD835 android Oreo tanpa setting Citra Emulator lagi dan tanpa cheat / hack  speed fps bawaan saja sudah cukup Playable Dan peningkatan speed FPS

/In Mimin's own opinion, the Test on the official version of this image has a pretty good speed increase on games that were originally heavy categories such as Mario Kart 7 and Mario 3D. Playable is enough. And increasing FPS speed

 Beberapa koleksi 3DS yang sudah di tes
/ Some 3DS collections that have been tested
 Total full size

Fitur Premium all unlocked


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