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Deprofundis ◾Genre: RPG, Action


1. Install APK.
2. Extract obb file  extract to folder Internal/Android/obb
3. Play game Android Offline Enjoy

Merupakan game rpg action dengan view angle statis dilihat dari atas kaya kebanyakan game PC jaman dulu sih menurut Mimin . Nilai plus sudah adanya virtual analog keren sih memudahkan dalam permainan yg kebanyakan jenis game ini dengan tap atau point n klik saja. 

Pada versi terbaru ini pemilihan karakter dihilangkan sehingga bisa menggunakan weapon atau senjata lebih banyak variasi dalam bertarung. Bercerita di sebuah wilayah yang bernama Tanah quelram kaki bukit oz terjadi bencana saat kota pandora terbuka lepasnya monster, demons ,zombie dll misi player mengalahkan.

/It is an action rpg game with a static view angle from above like most old PC games according to Mimin. The plus point of having a cool virtual analogue makes it easier to play most of these types of games by just tap or point n click.

In this latest version, the character selection is removed so that you can use more weapons or weapons in a variety of battles. Tells the story in an area called the land of Quelram at the foot of the hill, a disaster occurs when the city of Pandora opens, the release of monsters, demons, zombies, etc.

Game size 280mb apk + obb

◾Title: Deprofundis
◾Genre: RPG, Action
◾Gameplay: 2D Virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2013
◾Size full: 280mb
◾Region: Global
◾Graphic quality: mHD 
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Jellybean+
◾Rating Playstore: 4.2 from 5
◾Rating: 7/10
◾Playstore : Yes (Free game)
◾Developer: Thecle

Video Gameplay

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